The Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) invites area residents to contribute to the improvement of the patient experience by joining the new Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC).

What is a Patient and Family Advisory Council?

The Patient and Family Advisory Council serves as a forum for patients and families to partner with hospital staff members and leaders to shape decisions and influence change and improvements.

Who can serve as a Patient and Family Advisor?

You can become a Patient and Family Advisor if you or a loved one received care at HGH within the past two years. You are bilingual and open to sharing your experiences and ideas in a constructive and collaborative way.

What to expect as a Patient and Family Advisor?

As a member of the Advisory Council, you will be expected to:

  • Share your point of view in a constructive way.
  • Attend four meetings per year at HGH to provide input into patient care and organizational processes by advocating for patient and family needs.
  • Show commitment to improving care for all HGH patients and family members by ensuring that the patient is the focal point of all discussions.
  • Review documents that are referred to the advisory council.

Become a Patient and Family Advisor

HGH is committed to a patient-centered care delivery approach by recognizing patients as experts in their own care needs. The new Patient and Family Advisory Council will be a link between HGH and the community it serves.

If you wish to help us meet the needs and priorities of our community, and want to make a difference, please fill out the Patient and Family Advisor Application Form (PDF).

For more information, please contact Patient Relations by email at or call 613-632-1111, extension 62050.