Support the Foundation by volunteering at Beau’s Oktoberfest 2017

Beau's Oktoberfest 2017 logo

Help the Foundation and Enjoy Oktoberfest!

The HGH Foundation is looking for volunteers for Beau’s Oktoberfest taking place September 22 & 23 2017 in Vankleek Hill. We need help on both days of the event and you may choose between morning, afternoon or evening shifts.

Available Shifts

Friday: 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm or 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Saturday: 10:30 am to 5:00 pm or 4:30 pm to 10:30 pm

About Beau’s Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is an annual fun-filled event featuring great beer, great food and great music! For more information about the event, visit Beau’s Oktoberfest.

The Perks of Helping Out

  • All volunteers receive free admission to the festival for the entire weekend.

The Results of Helping Out

  • Funds raised through Beau’s Oktoberfest will be directed toward the Foundation’s current campaign, ACCESS 2018, for the purchase of a new CT scanner as well as an MRI machine for HGH by the end of 2018.

Sign Up Today

To become a volunteer at Beau’s Oktoberfest, contact us by email, drop by our office or fill out our convenient Online Volunteer Form.

Fondation HGH Foundation
101-175 Main West
Tel. 613-632-1111 extension 21101


Special thanks to Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co. for their $10,000 donation in support of HGH and many thanks to our hardworking volunteers!

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