Watch the Radiotelethon Live!

Logo Radiotéléthon Fondation HGH

On Sunday October 15, 2017, from 11 am to 8 pm, watch the live broadcast of the Radiotelethon online here or on Cogeco Cable 11.

Call 1-844-888-3444 to make a donation or use our secure online portal.

You may also bring your donation in person and enjoy the live entertainment. The Radiotelethon is held at Robert Hartley Sports Complex located at
425 Cartier Boulevard in Hawkesbury.

All proceeds of the Radiotelethon will benefit the Access 2018 Campaign that aims to raise funds to acquire two pieces of state-of-the-art equipment: a new CT scanner and an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine. The Radiotelethon’s objective is to raise $300,000.

On behalf of the HGH Foundation, we thank you for your generosity and sincerely hope you will join us for the Radiotelethon!