Rights and responsibilities

Patient and family rights and responsibilities

As a patient, you are the most important person on your care team. You will be treated as a mature individual having the ability to make decisions about your life. HGH patients have rights and responsibilities.

Your rights

  • Be treated with respect, kindness and fairness.
  • Receive culturally sensitive and effective care, in the official language of your choice.
  • Receive care and services in a way that respects your dignity and your privacy.
  • Participate in the development of your care plan.
  • Be informed of the names and roles of the people on your care team.
  • Ask questions about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis and receive timely answers in a clear and easy to understand manner.
  • Receive relevant medical information allowing you to make informed decisions about your care.
  • Be informed of the hospital’s policies that apply to you.
  • Refuse care, as permitted by law.
  • Expect that your personal health information will be treated in a confidential manner.
  • Access your medical record.
  • Appoint a person (Substitute Decision Maker) to make, or help you make, decisions about your care.

Your responsibilities

  • Treat those who look after you with courtesy and kindness.
  • Report for medical appointments on time or give notice if you are unable to attend, allowing another person access to care.
  • Respect hospital policies and regulations.
  • Provide pertinent and accurate information regarding your medical history.
  • Inform the Privacy Officer if you believe that your personal health information or someone else’s was used inappropriately.
  • Be involved in your care plan, express your opinions and concerns and follow the agreed-upon plan.
  • Be considerate of other patients’ privacy, property and rights.

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