Smoke-Free Policy

Because we care about your health, the entire HGH property is now smoke-free. Our smoke-free policy aims to protect people from exposure to second-hand smoke and to help smokers quit.

About the policy

  • Effective July 18th, 2016, HGH is 100% smoke-free, inside and outside the hospital.
  • This means that smoking is not allowed indoors or anywhere outdoors (including parked vehicles) on hospital grounds.
  • The smoking ban includes all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and medical marijuana.
  • The non-smoking policy applies to everyone on hospital property: patients, visitors, staff, physicians, volunteers, students, contractors and suppliers.
  • If you smoke on hospital property, you may receive a $305 fine.

Details of HGH Property

  • All interior facilities, sections, areas and wings of the hospital.
  • All exterior grounds and parking lots.
  • Hospital property also includes the Mental Health and Addiction Regional Centre located at 580 Spence Street in Hawkesbury and the Trillium Building on Ghislain Street.

Map detailing HGH property (in yellow)

The map identifies HGH property including surrounding grounds.

Help to quit smoking

  • Quitting smoking will improve your health condition and ease your recovery. If you wish to quit smoking and need help, please ask the nursing staff about our Smoking cessation program.
  • is a program designed by ex-smokers and healthcare professionals to help smokers quit or reduce their tobacco use with a tailored approach based on their individual needs. The program offers one-on-one and group sessions, telephone coaching and online support. For more information, call 1-877-376-1701 or visit
  • For proven, free and personalized tools to help you quit successfully call 1-877-513-5333 or visit Smokers’ Helpline.
  • The Eastern Ontario Health Unit offers a resource guide through its Quit Smoking Online App.

Leaving hospital property to smoke

  • Please note that HGH staff cannot assist or accompany patients off hospital property to smoke.
  • Patients needing hospital equipment such as IV monitors must not leave the property.
  • As a patient, you may be exposing yourself to unnecessary health and safety risks if you decide to leave the hospital property to smoke.

Fines and Smoke-Free Ontario Act

  • As a hospital, HGH is subject to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
  • The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) has the responsibility to respond to complaints and issue fines. HGH will cooperate with the EOHU on this matter.
  • If you smoke on HGH property, you may receive a $305 fine.

Questions? Comments?

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