Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)

Prescott- Russell Assertive Community Treatment Team

The Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) provides intensive treatment services in mental health, in the clients’ home. The services are intended for Prescott-Russell residents aged 16 and over.

Why come to us?

If you or someone you know is suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other severe, persistent or recurrent mental health problems, we can help. We establish long-term relationships with our clients, working to improve their mental and physical well-being. You’re not alone!

If the more traditional types of treatment have not been able to ensure a certain stability and you are struggling with an important mental health problem, the ACT Team is here for you. We offer treatment and support services that promote recovery.

How do we help our clients?

As health-care professionals, we team up with you to develop a care plan that meets your needs and improves your quality of life. Anyone may ask for help, either for themselves or for someone they care about. Physicians, health-care professionals and community organizations may refer their clients to ACTT.

Our services include:

  • Help with the development of the person’s autonomy
  • Management of symptoms associated with mental health disorders
  • Crisis intervention for ACTT clients
  • Medication management
  • Help in reducing harm caused by addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling
  • Support with community integration
  • Support with daily living organization, for example, development of housework skills, budget management and problem solving
  • Help in finding other healthcare services such as a physician or a therapist
  • Assistance in finding suitable housing
  • Maintaining relationships with family and social network
  • Peer support
  • Supporting the development of personal interests and leisure activities that may lead to education, employment or volunteering opportunities

How to access our services?

  • For an appointment or general information, please dial 1-844-304-1414.
  • During the initial phone call, we will assess your situation and inform you of any wait time. We will also ask additional information such as your list of medications. If needed, we will offer tips to help you manage the situation until your first appointment.

About The Program

Your appointment

Get ready for your meeting with your counsellor. Bring the following items or information:

  • Health Card
  • List of questions you wish to ask your worker or counsellor.
  • List of all your medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal medicines.
  • List of your symptoms and changes in your condition within the past year.
  • If you wish, a family member or a friend may attend the session.
  • After this more in-depth assessment, the team will let you know if you are admitted to the program.
  • There are no fees for the consultations.

Follow-ups with ACTT

  • Team members will follow-up with you on a regular basis and according to the objectives we have established together.
  • You will have the opportunity to meet with all members of our multidisciplinary team during follow-ups.
  • Most of the follow-up visits are done in your home.
  • Team members may accompany you in the community for your medical appointments, social activities, etc.
  • Your counsellor could also refer you to other healthcare professionals for more help.

The team

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Peer Support Workers
  • Addiction Workers
  • Rehab Workers
  • Psychiatrists
  • Social Workers