CT scan – Computed Tomography

December 2019 – A more advanced CT scanner is now available at HGH. Ask your family doctor to refer you for a faster appointment and faster results.



A computed tomography (CT) scan is a computer-assisted X-ray test that uses special equipment to create cross-sectional images and detailed views of the inside of your body. Organs, brain, lungs, tissues, bones and blood vessels may be examined with a CT scan.

The CT scan is a test used to diagnose conditions such as stomach and bowel problems, lung and kidney conditions, stroke and certain types of cancer.

The CT scan is a test provided by the Medical Imaging Department.

How to Access Our Services?

  • You must have a referral from your doctor or another healthcare professional to get an appointment for this test.

About The Program

Before Your Appointment

  1. Your family doctor will fax us a request – please make sure that your contact information is accurate so we may call you.
  2. We will call you within a few days to schedule an appointment, which will be within one week.
  3. You may need to have a blood test prior to your exam.
  4. You will receive a reminder a few days before your appointment.
  5. Please call us at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel or change the date of your appointment.

What to Bring

  • Health Card
  • List of all your medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal medicines.

When You Arrive

  • Please register at one the self-service registration kiosks at the Main Entrance at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
  • After registration, please report directly to the Medical Imaging Reception in Block D.
  • Depending on the type of examination, you may need to remove your clothes and wear a hospital gown.
  • You will have to remove your jewellery, piercings, glasses and any metal objects.

Preparation and Procedure

Depending on the body part being examined, there could be restrictions on eating or drinking for several hours before the test. You could also have to drink a contrast liquid or take a laxative. We will give you detailed instructions when booking the appointment.

  • If you are breastfeeding, are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell the technologist before the exam.
  • During the examination, you lie on a table that slides into the scanner. The X-ray scanner moves around you to take cross-section images.
  • Depening on the type of examination, you may feel some discomfort, but is usually not painful.
  • The whole visit may take up to 90 minutes.
  • If you received a contrast injection, drink plenty of water in the 48 hours following the exam. The contrast will eliminate through urine and will be colourless.

Test Results

  • Radiology technologists are not able to give you the results of your exam. Results will be sent to your physician within 10 working days.
  • You must book an appointment with your family doctor or healthcare professional who sent us the referral to discuss your test results.

Resources and Links