Geriatric Psychiatry

Prescott-Russell Geriatric-Psychiatry Service

The Geriatric-Psychiatry Service provides mental health consultations for people aged 65 and over, their families and caregivers.

Why come to us?

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression or agitation, we can help. If a loved one displays reactive behaviours, dementia or psychosis that interfere with their overall functioning, we can help. You’re not alone!

How do we help our clients?

Our health-care professionals provide assessment, consultation and counselling services. We also work as a team with physicians and the client’s family and caregivers.

To serve you better, our professionals visit you in your living environment, whether it be a private home, nursing home or long-term care facility.

Our services include:

  • Support and counselling to the elderly and their family
  • Support with behaviour management in cases such as aggression, depressed mood, paranoia, etc.
  • Review of medication
  • Follow-up after a hospital stay
  • Support and training for case workers and caregivers who look after the elderly

How to access our services?

  • Anyone may ask for help, either for themselves or for someone they care about. For an appointment, please dial 1-844-304-1414.
  • Physicians, health-care professionals and community organizations may refer their clients by faxing a service request to 613-632-7450.

About The Program

During the initial phone call, we will assess your situation and inform you of any wait time. We will also ask additional information such as your list of medications. If needed, we will offer tips to help you manage the situation until your first appointment.

Your appointment

Get ready for your meeting with your counsellor. Bring the following items or information:

  • Health Card
  • List of questions you wish to ask your worker or counsellor.
  • List of all your medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal medicines.
  • List of hospital stays and physicians you have consulted in the past two years in relation with this situation.
  • List of your symptoms and changes in your condition in the past six months.
  • If you wish, a family member or a friend may attend the session. We encourage the involvement of your primary caregivers or family.
  • Your worker or counsellor will set a date for your next appointment.
  • There is no fee for the consultation.

Follow-up with Geriatric-psychiatry Service

  • With your counsellor, you will decide on the frequency of follow-up visits and your therapy objectives.
  • Our team will communicate regularly with your family doctor, who will follow-up after our interventions.
  • If needed, your counsellor will refer you to other health-care professionals who may help you.

The team

  • Registered Nurses
  • Psychiatrists