Ontario Breast Screening Program

The Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) is a province-wide effort aimed at:

  • Women aged 50 to 74 (Ontario residents only) who are at average risk for breast cancer. They can get a mammography every two years.
  • Women aged 30 to 69 (Ontario residents only) who are identified as being at high risk for breast cancer. They can get an annual mammography and breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening. The MRI is currently not available at HGH.

Regular examinations can help detect breast cancer early and provide women with more treatment options and better outcomes.

How to access the program?

  • If you are aged 50 or over and have received a letter from the program, you may call us directly to book an appointment without a referral from your family doctor.
  • Women identified as being at high risk must call The Ottawa Hospital Regional OBSP High Risk Centre at 613-728-6508.

About The Program

Preparation and procedure

To learn how to prepare for a mammography and how the examination is performed, please visit the section Mammography.

Reminders for breast cancer screening

Women between the ages of 50 and 74 will receive a letter from Cancer Care Ontario reminding them when it is time to return for screening.

Research on breast health

Occasionally, the Ontario Breast Screening Program invites women to participate in a study on breast health. Participation is voluntary and all information is kept confidential.