Telemedicine (OTN)

January 29, 2018 – The Telemedicine Clinic has moved to its new location in Block B, Level 1. View the hospital plan.

Telemedicine gives Ontario residents access to medical specialists through videoconferencing. Patients may consult with specialists, no matter where they practice in Ontario. Telemedicine saves time and reduces inconveniences associated with traveling to city hospitals. This service is provided in collaboration with Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN).

The consultation is held at HGH in a room equipped with a monitor, a camera and medical devices. A nurse accompanies the patient and handles the technology and the equipment.

Types of medical consultations available by telemedicine

  • Addiction: methadone/suboxone treatment
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Dermatology
  • Dietetics
  • Endocrinology
  • Hematology (blood disease)
  • Hepatitis C
  • Mental health and addictions
  • Monitoring at home for patients with congestive heart failure
  • Nephrology (kidney disease)
  • Podiatry (foot problems and foot care)
  • Pre and post surgery medical examinations
  • Services with CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario)
  • Thrombosis (blood clots)
  • Urology
  • Other services available

How to access our services

  • You must have a doctor’s referral to see a medical specialist.
  • You may ask to have a telemedicine consultation with your specialist by calling our office.

About The Program

What to bring

  • Valid Ontario Health Card
  • List of all your medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal medicines

When you arrive

  • Please use the new Main Entrance and register at one of the self-serve kiosks at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Clerks are available to help with the registration process.
  • Upon registering, take a “puck”. It will buzz and light up when your turn comes up and indicate in which room to report.
  • Use the Ambulatory Clinics door to go to the telemedicine room.
  • Room numbers and other public interest messages are presented on the TV screens.

The telemedicine appointment

  • A nurse accompanies you and explains the process.
  • When needed, the nurse does a health assessment (weight, blood pressure, etc.) before the consultation and sends the information to your specialist.
  • During the consultation, you communicate with your specialist via a monitor. You can see and hear each other. You have enough time to ask questions, and if needed, the nurse will help you understand the physician’s questions and advice.
  • If an examination is required, the nurse handles the medical instruments. For example, the physician may listen to your heartbeat with a special stethoscope. Exam results are transmitted immediately to the physician.
  • The nurse will leave the room if your condition does not require an examination and you prefer to have a private consultation with your specialist. A family member or a loved one may accompany you during the visit.
  • Due to the technology in use, telemedicine consultations are usually right on time.


  • After the consultation, the specialist sends the results to your family doctor.

The team

  • Registered nurse
  • Registered practical nurse