Specimen Collection Centre

Specimen collections such as blood tests are essential tools used to screen, diagnose, treat and monitor patients’ health condition. The Specimen Collection Centre (SCC) provides blood, urine, stool, mucus and tissue collection services.

Who de we serve?

  • Adults and children

Ontario patients

  • Outpatients visiting physicians at any HGH ambulatory clinic (Preoperative, Obstetrics, Diabetes, TOH Transplant patients, Medical Day Unit, including chemotherapy, Telemedicine, etc.)
  • Outpatients requiring medication from HGH pharmacy following blood work, a Rhogam Injection or blood work after an IPS (integrated prenatal screening) ultrasound testing.
  • Patients from any other clinics in Ontario (community clinics, family medicine, family health teams) have to use private laboratories, as they receive funding from the province to provide these services. Most family health clinics can do on-site collections. Follow the link to find a laboratory near you.
  • We may accept other patients under certain circumstances. For example, if a test is not offered in private laboratories; upon a physician specific request or when results are needed quickly.

Québec patients

  • Outpatients visiting physicians at HGH Ambulatory Clinics and other external clinics.

How to access our services?

  • You need a completed and signed test requisition from your physician. Please pick up your specimen collection kit at HGH as not all kits are compatible with the testing provided by our laboratory.
  • You do not need an appointment for blood work or any other sample collection, although a few tests are performed on specific days only.
    • Rhogam testing is only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays before 1:00 pm.
  • You may come in for sample collection anytime between 7:30 am and 3:15 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays. We encourage patients who are not required to fast to come later in the morning or day.
  • You need to register at the Information Desk if you are coming in for a sample collection or bringing back a sample.
  • You do not need to register to pick up a Home collection kit. Please go directly to the Specimen Collection Centre.

About The Program

What to bring

  • Valid Health Card
  • Completed and signed lab or test requisition from your physician

When you arrive

  • Please use the Main Entrance and proceed to the Information desk.
  • Proceed to the Cardiology door (Block B, Level 1) and present your requisition to the receptionist who will provide you with a pager.
  • Return to the main waiting room. When your turn comes up, your pager will buzz and light up and indicate in which room to go.
  • Room numbers and other public interest messages are presented on TV screens in the waiting room.
  • Blood tests and other collections are usually done on a first come, first serve basis. Therefore, the wait time may vary according to the volume of patients. However, some tests are time sensitive and may be given priority.

Preparation and procedure

Test results

  • Depending on the type of test, your family doctor should receive your test results within 10 working days.
  • You must book an appointment with your family doctor or healthcare professional that gave you the test requisition to discuss your test results.

The team

  • Phlebotomists
  • Receptionists